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Hexstyle Beauty After Care

lashlift aftercare

A Lash Lift services takes around an hour and results in making natural lashes appear longer without the use of eyelash extensions.  A lift lasts approximately 6-8 weeks (and in some cases 12 weeks) depending on your individual hair growth cycle, lifestyle and aftercare.  A lift is a great alternative to extensions and gives the appearance of your natural lashes appearing longer and thicker. 


  • Lash Lifts are very low maintenance, however, a little extra care is required in the first 24 hours:​

  • Do NOT use eye-makeup.

  • Do NOT wash the eyes.

  • Stay away from saunas and steam if possible in the first 14 hours.

  • Swimming should be avoided for at least 24 hours.

  • Be gentle with your lashes (no rubbing).

lash extension aftercare

Hexstyle Beauty uses silk lashes for every application.  Extensions are applied to your individual eyelashes, one lash at a time.  This is a very detailed service that results in giving you thicker, longer, eye-opening lashes.  The normal growth cycle of your natural lash is around 60-90 days, and as yours grow and fall out, it is important to come for fills every 3 weeks. 

  • Do NOT wash eyes or shower and avoid steam and sweat for the first 24 hours.

  • Do NOT use oil-based products or water-proof mascara/remover.

  • Do NOT perm, tint or use an eye-lash curler.

  • Be careful to avoid pulling extensions or rubbing eyes.

  • Remove makeup around the eyes with a cotton swab.

  • To extend the life of your extensions, please schedule a touch-up within 2-3 weeks.

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